Contact Details
For more information about my services, e-mail me at: juneedvenson@gmail.com.
Due to excess demand, I currently accept inquiries from potential clients only by e-mail.
Note: As an actively licensed American attorney, I must include certain information on this website:
This site may be considered "attorney advertising."
The information provided on this website is not providing legal advice.
The information on this website does not create a client relationship.
Direct contact with me and request for my services may result in a confidential client relationship.
Welcome to my services!

Payment Details
Here is my latest schedule of Rates for Services. These rates are effective from January, 2024. This listing is kept current. I plan to retain this rate schedule in 2025:
You can pay for EC services in the following ways. Please inquire if you have a preference:
pay online or pay by mail,
pay cash at time of services,
pay with a check in U.S. funds,
pay by online bank transfer in Europe and Scandinavia,
pay by credit card using your PayPal account.
You may also wish to negotiate payment terms:
an invoice voucher payable within 30 days of services rendered,
an agreed payment plan, or
other credit terms we arrange in advance.
For those who delay payment to me beyond a reasonable period, I work with the firm, Totalinkasso, in Norway, to collect. Costs of collection including interest are passed on to the client.